Hae… Tanggal 7 November 2014 kemarin ownCloud client 1.7.0 ternyata sudah dirilis, dan saya baru sempat kompel hari ini. Berikut ini changelog ownCloud client 1.7.0:

PKGBUILD owncloud-client sudah dihapus dari repo

  • oC7 Sharing: Handle new sharing options of ownCloud 7 correctly.
  • Added Selective sync: Ability to unselect server folders which are excluded from syncing, plus GUI and setup GUI
  • Improved local change detection: consider file size, detect files with ongoing changes and do not upload immediately
  • Improved HTTP request timeout handler: all successful requests reset the timeout counter
  • Improvements for syncing command line tool: netrc support, improved SSL support, non interactive mode
  • Added a socket based API to provide file management shells with status information about the sync status of files. That is a prerequisite for the overlay icons in the file managers.
  • Permission system: ownCloud 7 delivers file and folder permissions, added ability to deal with it for shared folders and more.
  • Ignore handling: Do not recurse into ignored or excluded directories
  • Major sync journal database improvements for more stability and performance
  • New library interface to sqlite3
  • Improve “resync handling” if errors occur
  • Blacklist improvements
  • Improved logging: more useful meta info, removed noise
  • Updated to latest Qt5 versions on Windows and OS X
  • OS X: Sparkle update to provide pkg format properly
  • OS X: Change distribution format from dmg to pkg with new installer.
  • Win: Fix handling of filenames with trailing dot or space

Buat yang mau membangun paket owncloud client 1.7.0 dengan PKGBUILD saya monggo lho: https://github.com/go2n/archlinux-pkgbuild/tree/master/owncloud-client.

ownCloud ClientownCloud Client